4th Public Participation and Deliberative Democracy Festival featuring SensJus


The Public Participation and Deliberative Democracy Festival is an open and free event that brings together people of diverse backgrounds that are interested in, and work on, engagement of citizens in science, policymaking and deliberative democracy in Europe (and globally). These include EU countries, EU institutions, civil society organisations, research and academia, and artists. To coincide with the European Year of Youth, the theme of the Festival this year is 'Youth Participation'.

SensJus invites you on day 1 of the festival - the 20 October - for our session taking place from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST. If you like, join us already at 11:30 for a sensory walk, lunch on offer and the start of the programme! More info at https://cop-demos.jrc.ec.europa.eu/events/4th-public-participation-and-deliberative-democracy-festival 

With a stunning array of speakers from different disciplines and background, we will explore the possible convergence between civic environmental monitoring and citizens' assemblies, a topic now at the centre of the request of young activist movements for climate and the environment. We will reflect together in particular on how scientific evidence collected and analysed from below can enrich specific deliberative democracy processes.

You can find the preliminary programme at https://cop-demos.jrc.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/events/PPDD-Festival-2022-provisional-agenda.pdf 
The event will be in English. There will be live streaming here https://cop-demos.jrc.ec.europa.eu/festival-2022/live. Register by 30 September here https://cop-demos.jrc.ec.europa.eu/festival-2022/registration to attend in person.

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