Story of a civic sentinel
The SensJus project launched a short graphic novel recounting the story of a civic sentinel, which tells the struggle of many and a lesson of hope.
The novel can be downloaded for free at this link:

This story begins in a land, afflicted by oil extraction. A reality made of silent contamination, of official data that hide the truth, and of unheard complaints. On this landscape of unspoken or inaccessible information, the people who cultivate the land, breed animals, or simply live there are divided between those who want to discover and denounce, and those who remain silent, captured by the system. 'Story of a civic sentinel' tells the challenges encountered by those who decide to investigate into the contamination, monitor it, and fight for the truth to be known.
The story teaches us that the first drive to become a civic sentinel is the attachment to one's land, and a sense of care and responsibility. The place and characters of this story do not exist. However, in many parts of the world, citizens and communities are fighting the environmental and social consequences of the thirst for profit of businesses. Civic environmental monitoring can be a critical and disruptive response to environmental problems caused by private actors and enabled by institutional inertia. Each of us can do their share by remaining vigilant and having the courage to uncover uncomfortable truths!