SensJus convening two sessions at ECSA 2022, Berlin
The European Citizen Science Association Conference 2022 is approaching! It will be held from October 5-8 in Berlin, Germany More and preliminary program at SensJus with a number of exciting co-conveners invite all citizen science enthusiasts to participate in two interactive, highly dynamic, physical sessions:

LANGENBECK-VIRCHOW-HAUS - Rudolf Virchow Room - 6 October 2022 - 09.40 • 11.10
Interactive Session 2:
Rethinking public services
provision citizen science to
support public and
environmental health
By • Anna Berti Suman
• Nils Heyen
• Marisa Ponti
• Sven Schade
--> get ready for being engaged through visual scribbling with the help of illustrator Alice Toietta
We will address questions such as: "How can decentralized data flows coming from spontaneous citizen science initiatives help innovate the public sector in particular in relation to public/environmental health services?" "How can citizen science methods and approaches be applied to the field in discussion?"
Interactive Session 2: Rethinking public services provision citizen science to support public and environmental health services
By • Anna Berti Suman • Nils Heyen • Marisa Ponti • Sven Schade
--> get ready for being engaged through visual scribbling with the help of illustrator Alice Toietta
We will address questions such as: "How can decentralized data flows coming from spontaneous citizen science initiatives help innovate the public sector in particular in relation to public/environmental health services?" "How can citizen science methods and approaches be applied to the field in discussion?"
LANGENBECK-VIRCHOW-HAUS - Rudolf Virchow Room - 7 October 2022 - 09.40 • 11.10
Interactive Session 9: The wickedness of citizen science, law and planetary health grappling with trust, democracy and representation
By • Dick Kasperowski • Anna Berti Suman
--> get prepared to argue with other participants like in a court setting!
We will address questions such as: "Using law and international conventions to exclude the role of national public authorities in conflicts about environmental management is undemocratic?" "Is reactive citizen science improving the system by opening up institutional informational monopolies, or rater weakening trust in science and institutions?"